Online crime reporting

Report a crime online

If this is an emergency or a crime in progress, call 9-1-1 or your local emergency number. Online reporting is not monitored 24/7.

Please note, online reporting cannot be accepted if the incident involves:

  • any theft, loss or property damage exceeding $5,000
  • personal violence such as assault, robbery, domestic violence
  • theft (or loss) of firearm, medication, or personal identification (e.g. credit/debit cards, driver's licence)
  • theft of vehicle, license plate or utility trailer
  • hate motivated vandalism or hate motivated graffiti.

Call your local RCMP detachment non-emergency line to report. If you would like to make an anonymous complaint, contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS).

Report online

Report these crime types online:

Damage/Mischief to Property (not from a collision)

Has someone damaged, defaced or vandalized public or private property? This may include:

  • breaking windows, mailboxes, throwing eggs, spray painting, writing or drawing on property - such as using paint or spray paint

Note: Report this crime type online only if there are no witnesses, suspects, or video surveillance.

Report a crime


Damage / Mischief to Vehicle (not from a collision)

Has someone damaged, defaced or vandalized your vehicle? This may include:

  • denting, scratching or keying the vehicle, breaking windows or lights, slashing tires.

Note: Report this crime type online only if there are no witnesses, suspects, or video surveillance.

Report a crime


Lost Property

Lost property includes any material goods that are missing or lost. This may include:

  • currency, jewelry, keys and/or laptops

Please note: Lost firearms, medication, and personal identification cannot be reported online. Contact your local police to report the incident.

Report a crime


Theft under $5,000

Theft involves someone taking property without your permission. This may include:

  • theft of a bicycle, lawnmower, tools or other tangible items

Note: Report this crime type online only if there are no witnesses, suspects, or video surveillance.

Report a crime


Theft from Vehicle

Involves the taking of property from within a vehicle without the owner's permission. This may include:

  • theft of car stereo, vehicle parts, laptop or other tangible items from locked or unlocked vehicle

Note: Report this crime type online only if there are no witnesses, suspects, or video surveillance.

Report a crime


Retail Theft - Shoplifting or Gas Drive Off

Are you the owner, manager or employee of:

  • a gas station reporting the theft of gas?
  • a retail store reporting the theft of merchandise?

Note: Report this crime type online only if there are no witnesses, suspects, or video surveillance.

Report a crime


Vehicle Hit and Run

Has another vehicle caused damage to your unattended vehicle and the driver failed to stop and leave particulars?

  • Only report damage to your vehicle which you believe was caused by another moving vehicle.
  • Dents from opening car doors or shopping carts should be reported online as Damage / Mischief to Vehicle.

Note: Report this crime type online only if there are no witnesses, suspect, video surveillance or suspect licence plate.

Report a crime


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