The National Cybercrime Coordination Centre

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Quick facts

  • From April 1, 2021 until end of August 2022, the NC3 has received over 2,000 requests for operational assistance from domestic and international law enforcement partners.
  • Since the beginning of this fiscal year, approximately 55% of NC3 requests with a Canadian nexus have involved ransomware.
  • The NC3 and Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre work closely due to the strong links between fraud and cybercrime.
  • Cybercrime continues to be the cyber threat that is most likely to affect Canadians and Canadian organizations.

Learn more

Cybercrime investigations are complex and technical in nature. They require specialized investigative skills. As Canada's national police force, we take all cybercrime seriously. Dealing with it requires a coordinated effort.

As set out in the Government of Canada's National Cyber Security Strategy and the RCMP Cybercrime Strategy, we have established the National Cybercrime Coordination Centre (NC3). It includes RCMP officers and civilians from many backgrounds. It works with law enforcement and other partners to help reduce the threat, impact and victimization of cybercrime in Canada.

As a National Police Service, the NC3 serves all Canadian police agencies.

Role of the National Cybercrime Coordination Centre Unit

On April 1, 2020, the NC3 reached initial operating capability. Working with Canadian law enforcement agencies, government and private sector partners, the NC3:

  • coordinates cybercrime investigations in Canada
  • works with partners internationally to combat a wide range of cybercrime incidents
  • provides investigative advice and guidance to Canadian police
  • produces actionable cybercrime intelligence for Canadian police
  • is implementing a new and public national cybercrime and fraud reporting system with the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC)

The NC3 will reach full operating capability in 2024.

Key dates for the National Cybercrime Coordination Centre

April 1, 2020
Reached initial operating capability
Year 2023-2024
Official launch of the new and public national cybercrime and fraud reporting system
Year 2024
Fully operational


No one can combat cybercrime alone. The NC3 works closely with domestic and international partners and is the steward of:

  • the National Police Services Cybercrime Committee
  • the NC3 Implementation Steering Committee


Visit Our partners to see a list of who we work with to address cybercrime.

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