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i know stuff about you kid ;)

Audience: 10-12 Years Olds

Internet Safety

  • Remember! What you post on the Internet cannot be erased or deleted. Be smart with social media. Text, share photos and videos, and play online games SAFELY. Remember that what you post on the Internet cannot be erased or deleted with a click.
  • Be careful of strangers online. People can change their online identities and say they are someone they’re not.
  • It’s OKAY to say NO to becoming ONLINE FRIENDS! Share personal information carefully, and create strong user names and passwords.
  • Be yourself online, just as you are face-to-face.

Cyberbullying is a crime

  • Cyberbullying involves the use of communication technologies like the Internet, social networking sites, websites, email, text messaging and instant messaging to repeatedly intimidate or harass others.
  • Cyberbullying is public and bullies often post without a name.
  • One person often starts it and others get involved when the information is shared through email or posted on a wall or photo.
  • Sending sexually explicit messages or images, called sexting, is distribution of child pornography and it can be considered harassment.
  • Harassing text messages or unwanted images sent from cellphones count as cyberbullying.
  • Online games and virtual worlds are prime areas for cyberbullying, since they connect gaming ability to the person at the controls. For example, “You suck at this game, just like you do at life.”
  • The effects of cyberbullying can be damaging or dangerous to the individual being bullied online. In severe cases, the end result could be suicide or off-line revenge towards others.
  • Remember this: while you may think you’re anonymous when posting information, everything you post can be tracked if schools, parents or police become involved.
  • Report incidents of cyberbullying to

Understand the law

  • Using the Internet to entice youth (anyone under the age of 18) to meet for sexual acts or to help arrange sexual encounters is a crime under the Criminal Code of Canada.
  • Anyone communicating with you in a sexual manner can be very dangerous and needs to be reported. If someone asks you to make or share sexual images or videos, tell someone you trust right away. Using the Internet to threaten or bully someone can be dangerous, even if you think it’s in good fun.

The following Criminal Code Offenses may have serious consequences for you or your parents if you use the Internet in a negative way:

  • Child Pornography
  • Criminal Harassment
  • Luring a Child
  • Uttering Threats

For more info or to get help, visit: |

Need to report something?

Go to
Or contact your local police department

Produced by:
B.C. Crime Prevention Services