Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Symbol of the Government of Canada

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The RCMP Core Values

Close up of a Sergeant Major holding a pacing staff under her arm.

The guiding principles of the RCMP are its core values: Act with integrity, Show respect, Demonstrate compassion, Take responsibility, Serve with excellence. As a cadet, the core values will be part of your first lessons at Depot and as a member, part of your everyday life in the field. These values are very important and cadets are evaluated on them. Any breach of these values may lead to a termination.

Act with integrity
We conduct ourselves ethically, and do so with honesty, dignity, and honour.
Show respect
We treat all people with fairness. We value and promote reconciliation, diversity and inclusion by being considerate of the democratic rights, history and lived experiences of others.
Demonstrate compassion
We care for each other and the communities we serve by approaching each situation with empathy and a genuine desire to help.
Take responsibility
We are transparent about our decisions and actions and hold ourselves accountable for the results and impacts.
Serve with excellence
We commit to continuous learning, and work collaboratively with colleagues, communities, and partners to provide and support innovative and professional policing services.