Alberta RCMP participate in recital ceremony in recognition of Ramadan

April 19, 2021
Calgary, Alberta

News release

Cpl. Nader Khalil


The Alberta RCMP was honoured to be invited for the first time to participate in part of the observance of Ramadan on Friday, April 16 at the Akram Jomaa mosque in Calgary. This invitation involved a recital of the Islamic call for prayer at sunset by Corporal Nader Khalil around 8:00 pm, which signified to Muslims the time to break their fast for that day. Respecting current physical distancing rules and mask requirements, the community gathered outside the mosque for the evening prayer recital. Approved by the municipalities of Edmonton and Calgary, this year mosques will be able to broadcast the brief call to prayer on speakers for the duration of Ramadan. The public is welcome to observe this in an opportunity to celebrate cultural diversity and support inclusion in our communities.

Ramadan is the Arabic name for the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, and lasts either 29 or 30 days, depending on when the new crescent moon is, or should be, visible. During this month period, there is a practice of spiritual fasting from dawn to dusk each day with a sunset prayer each day to break the period of fasting for the day. The final day of Ramadan is normally a large and festive celebration known as Eid al-Fitr and is one of the two major religious holidays of the Muslim calendar.

As we continue to adapt to new ways of gathering and interacting, we look forward to more unique opportunities like this to be able to engage with citizens and the diverse communities in Alberta.

Follow our social media accounts on Twitter @RCMPAlberta, Facebook @RCMPinAlberta, and Instagram @rcmpalbertagrc for highlights on community activity throughout the year.


Contact information

Alberta RCMP Media Relations

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