Roll out new Digital Policing Strategy

As the world around us is changing, rapid advances in technology have led to significant changes in criminal behaviour and new types of crime. At the same time, the expectations of our employees, the public and partners are changing as digital technology is the new normal. These changes require a new, modern approach to policing. The Digital Policing Strategy will help guide the RCMP's future as a modern, agile organization.

Why it matters

The RCMP's Digital Policing Strategy ensures that the organization has the right technology for the digital era to strengthen our connection among policing services, communities and partners.

Aug 2023


The Information Management and Information Technology (IM/IT) Program continues to advance The Connected RCMP Digital Policing Strategy (DPS).

Considerable progress has been made toward modernization to deliver and support Information Technology and Information Management capabilities that serve the RCMP's front line officers and key stakeholders. For example, the field test rollout of the Body Worn Cameras (BWC) to several detachments across the country, has resulted in more than 3,000 video assets stored in the Digital Evidence Management System.

The Canadian Firearms Digital Services Solution is a multi-year project that will allow for a secure and user-friendly digital processing of clients' firearms licensing and registrations for the Canadian Firearms Program's 2.2 million individual and 4,500 business clients. This solution will enable clients to connect faster, while reducing processing times.

The Digital Policing Strategy is focused on ensuring the RCMP has the right technology to deliver and enable modern policing and public safety services. As technology continues to evolve, it needs to be delivered efficiently and in a way that meets the needs of citizens, businesses, partners and RCMP employees. After three years of implementing the Digital Policing Strategy, the RCMP is now refreshing its digital objectives, assessing our progress and re-focusing our future direction.

May 2022


The Information Management and Information Technology (IM/IT) Program is advancing The Connected RCMP Digital Policing Strategy to ensure that the RCMP has the right technology for the digital era, to better connect our policing services to our communities, our partners and each other, as well as to critical information.

The RCMP is modernizing its tools and technologies, including launching a new electronic Major Case Management digital application to assist investigations in all areas of the RCMP, developing the National Cybercrime and Fraud Reporting System for Canadian victims of cybercrime, continuing to advance "The Connected RCMP" Digital Policing Strategy, and supporting the implementation of body worn cameras.

The IM/IT Program's priorities over the next few years will set a solid foundation of digital capabilities to support policing operations.

The new IM/IT foundational capabilities are:

  • insider threat, identity management and security operations program
  • future of work–mobility and digital tools
  • data, analytics and information management
  • cloud program establishment
  • business process re-engineering, and digitalization

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