2018 Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee Annual Report - Nova Scotia (H Division)

Recommendation #1


  • The 'H' GHAC working group want to know how gender, sexual orientation, harassment, inclusivity, and equity, effect / have an effect on members' careers.
  • Background surrounding issues/concerns submitted for recommendation: The 'H' GHAC working group felt that it was important to hear from the membership before making any recommendations.

Current status

  • We (GHAC) are unaware of how or if the above noted issues have an impact on members' careers.
  • Divisional /National steps taken thus far: None that we are currently aware of.

Next steps

  • Seek the approval of the CO and the national GHAC, and determine the feasibility of such a survey through the National Survey Centre (Unit?)
  • Recommendation and roll out proposed to National Committee: 'H' division GHAC propose that a confidential survey be offered to 'H' division members to solicit their input on how the issues affect them, and what impact the said issues have had on their careers.

Prepared by: Cpl. Christine Hobin on behalf of 'H' division GHAC.

Recommendation #2


  • The 'H' GHAC working group are asking for clear definitions of the following: gender, sexual orientation, harassment, inclusivity, and equity.
  • Background surrounding issues/concerns submitted for recommendation: The 'H' GHAC working group felt that both 'H' division and the Force should have clear definitions of the "issues" before we proceed. This will alleviate confusion and ensure that there is a clear understanding of the issues we are seeking to address.

Current status

  • We ('H' GHAC) have found that currently, there is only one definition in policy of one of the issues and that is 'harassment'. There are no definitions for gender, sexual orientation, equity or inclusivity to be found in policy.
  • Divisional /National steps taken thus far: 'H' division GHAC have obtained dictionary definitions for all issues with the exception of "inclusivity", of which there does not appear to be any definition.

Next steps

  • Seek the approval of the CO of 'H' division, and the national GHAC, and obtain consensus for using the proposed definitions (attached), going forward. Since there was no definition of 'inclusivity", we would ask that this word be replaced by the word "inclusive", for which there is a definition or, if the Force is set on using this word, a clear definition be published so that employees are clear on its meaning.
  • Recommendation and roll out proposed to National Committee: 'H' division GHAC propose that the Force, both nationally and in 'H' division reach a consensus on definitions of the proposed issues.



The state of being male or female especially in regard to social roles.

Oxford Canadian Dictionary

Sexual Orientation:

The act of being attracted to people of the opposite sex, of one's own sex, or both sexes.

Oxford Canadian Dictionary


Improper conduct by an individual, that is directed at and offensive to another individual in the workplace, including at any event or any location related to work, and that the individual knew or ought reasonably to have known would cause offence or harm. It comprises objectionable act(s), comment(s) or display(s) that demean, belittle, or cause personal humiliation or embarrassment, and any act of intimidation or threat. It also includes harassment within the meaning of the Canadian Human Rights Act (i.e. based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability and pardoned conviction).

Harassment is normally a series of incidents but can be one severe incident which has a lasting impact on the individual.

RCMP Policy


Fairness, impartiality, system of natural justice, allowing a fair judgement in a situation where the existing laws are not satisfactory.

Oxford Canadian Dictionary


Not in the dictionary.


Including, compromising, including all the normal services, etc.

Oxford Canadian Dictionary

Unconscious Bias:

Your background, personal experiences, societal stereotypes, and cultural context can have an impact on your decisions and actions without you realizing. Implicit or unconscious bias happens by our brains making incredibly quick judgements and assessments of people and situations without us realizing.


Recommendation #3


The 'H' GHAC working group want to recommend "Unconscious Bias Training" for all employees.

Background surrounding issues/concerns submitted for recommendation

The 'H' GHAC realize that all people regardless of race, social status, gender, or sexual orientation are biased to some degree. Our background, personal experiences, societal stereotypes, and cultural context can have an impact on your decisions and actions without you realizing. Implicit or unconscious bias happens by our brains making incredibly quick judgements and assessments of people and situations without us realizing. Our individual awareness of these biases is the first step in addressing our own behaviour and how we interact with other people in our workplaces. It will lead to more respectful and harmonious workplaces, and improve overall communication between employees.

Current status

We (H division GHAC) have discussed Unconscious Bias and are aware of a Harvard University study which we will continue to research and review prior to our next meeting. A definition is attached.

Divisional/National steps taken thus far: The national Diversity & Inclusion unit may be aware of the benefits of Unconscious Bias training (formerly from Janet Hendstock). 'H' division GHAC committee members will continue to research Unconscious Bias.

Next steps

'H' division GHAC will propose possible training methods for employees, both within 'H' division and nationally.

Recommendation and roll out proposed to National Committee

'H' division GHAC propose that Unconscious Bias training be implemented for all current employees, and also be used as a recruiting tool for any "new hires" regardless of category of employee.

Prepared by: Cpl. Christine Hobin on behalf of 'H' division GHAC.
Approved by A/Commr. Brian Brennan

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