Joint Business Plan - Alberta RCMP and Alberta Justice and Solicitor General 2022/23-2024/25

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Joint Business Plan - Alberta RCMP and Alberta Justice and Solicitor General 2022/23-2024/25 PDF version (320 KB)

Fact Sheet - Mandate and Structure

The Alberta Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) ensures the safety and well-being of all Albertans. Through the Provincial Police Service Agreement, the RCMP provides policing services as Alberta's Provincial Police Service. The Alberta RCMP is committed to upholding the law so that all residents can feel safe in their communities. The 2022/23-2024/25 Joint Business Plan supports the 2021-2024 Alberta Justice and Solicitor General's Business Plan outcome that Albertans are safe and protected. This will be achieved through priorities that have been developed in consultation and collaboration with JSG and with input from Rural Municipalities of Alberta and Alberta Municipalities. The development of this plan has also taken into consideration input from communities as reflected in the Interim Police Advisory Board (PAB) report.

Over the next three years, the Alberta RCMP pledges to enhance engagement and communication with communities and stakeholders, and work collectively through consultation and collaboration to develop policing priorities that reflect their needs. The first step of this was initiated in the creation of this plan by making a conscious effort to ensure that JSG, Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA), and Alberta Municipalities (AM) were involved in the creation of priorities that serve our communities. Moving forward, the RCMP will work at local levels to ensure all Albertans are informed about and included in setting the policing priorities for their communities.

As an innovative organization, the RCMP understands that in order to create and maintain safe communities, policing needs to be proactive and disrupt the cycle of crime. We must understand the drivers of crime and focus on priority offences to increase community safety. In order to do this efficiently we must use all resources available, including intelligence, analytics, and partnerships to ensure that all parts of the crime cycle are addressed. By working collaboratively with partners we are able to effectively utilize police resources and services within the community safety ecosystem.

We understand that communities have different needs and that in order to be effective we must be responsive to those needs. By strengthening relationships, working together in support of Reconciliation, and responding to the needs of Indigenous communities we can ensure safety for all. Promoting inclusion and building trust with diverse communities is paramount, and we must address the behaviours that threaten their sense of safety and belonging. We must listen to the concerns of diverse and vulnerable communities in order to respond effectively and promote their inclusion. In so doing, we can ensure that service delivery models and strategies effectively meet the policing needs of all our communities.

Joint Business Plan 2022/23-2024/25

The 2022/23-2024/25 Alberta Justice and Solicitor General/Alberta RCMP Joint Business Plan supports the 2021-2024 JSG Business Plan's outcome that Albertans are safe and protected. This will be achieved through the following priorities that are being proposed for Minister's consideration following a series of joint planning meetings between AJSG and AB RCMP.

Priority 1: Enhancing Engagement and Communication with Communities and Stakeholders

Engaging with our communities to collectively develop policing priorities that are community-led and enhancing communication about matters related to local policing services.

Objective 1.1 - Work collectively through consultation and collaboration to develop policing priorities that are community-led.

Performance Measurements

Short Term Outcomes:

Medium Term Outcomes:

Objective 1.2 - Develop communications in a manner that improves community knowledge and understanding about matters related to local policing services.

Performance Measurements

Short Term Outcomes:

Medium Term Outcomes:

Priority 2: Community Safety and Well-Being

Working with partners in an integrated, multi-faceted manner to interrupt the cycle of crime and victimization.

Objective 2.1 - Work in a multi-faceted, collaborative manner with partners to achieve common goals that support community safety, reduce vulnerabilities that contribute to victimization, and that effectively use police resources within the entire safety ecosystem.

Performance Measurements

Short Term Outcomes:

Medium Term Outcomes:

Objective 2.2 - Provide timely and meaningful information to the public, which increases public engagement, trust and confidence with the RCMP.

Performance Measurements

Short Term Outcomes:

Medium Term Outcomes:

Priority 3: Indigenous Communities

Strengthening relationships, working together in support of Reconciliation, and responding to the needs of Indigenous communities in Alberta.

Objective 3.1 - Consult with Indigenous communities in order to effectively respond to the needs of Indigenous communities.

Performance Measurements

Short Term Outcomes:

Medium Term Outcomes:

Objective 3.2 - Strengthen positive relationships with Indigenous communities in Alberta.

Performance Measurements

Short Term Outcomes:

Medium Term Outcomes:

Objective 3.3 - Work together with Indigenous communities in support of Reconciliation.

Performance Measurements

Short Term Outcomes:

Medium Term Outcomes:

Priority 4: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)

Promoting inclusion and building trust with diverse communities by addressing the behaviours that threaten their sense of safety and belonging.

Objective 4.1 - Listen to and understand the safety concerns of diverse communities to promote inclusion, promote inclusion of diverse communities by addressing behaviours that threaten their sense of safety and belonging, and build trust and strengthen positive relationships with diverse communities in Alberta.

Performance Measurements

Short Term Outcomes:

Medium Term Outcomes:

Priority 5: Crime Reduction

Understanding the drivers of crime and focusing on priority offences to increase community safety.

Objective 5.1 - Increase community safety and reduce crime by focusing on priority offenders.

Performance Measurements

Short Term Outcomes:

Medium Term Outcomes:

Objective 5.2 - Led by analytics evidence and community partner input, identify and address the drivers of crime and emerging crime trends.

Performance Measurements

Short Term Outcomes:

Medium Term Outcomes:

Objective 5.3 - Be proactive in identifying and prioritizing crime to reduce unreported crimes that contribute to community safety concerns.

Performance Measurements

Short Term Outcomes:

Medium Term Outcomes:

Priority 6: Enhancing Service Delivery

Ensuring service delivery models and strategies effectively meet the policing needs of our communities.

Objective 6.1 - Increase public trust and confidence in the police through the development and delivery of innovative and continuously improving police services that are responsive to the concerns of our communities and the needs of individuals impacted by crime.

Performance Measurements

Short Term Outcomes:

Medium Term Outcomes:

Performance Measurement Frameworks

Performance Measurement Framework - Enhancing Engagement and Communication with Communities and Stakeholders
Objectives Activities Indicator - Output
Indicator - Short Term Outcome
Indicator - Short Term Outcome
Baseline (2021)
Indicator - Medium Term Outcome
Indicator - Medium Term Outcome
Baseline (2021)
To work collectively through consultation and collaboration to develop policing priorities that are community-led. Engage with key stakeholders (i.e., Interim Police Advisory Board, RMA, AM, Métis Settlements, First Nations communities, etc.) to collaborate with them to enhance our reporting and work with them to better understand the needs of our communities and how the RCMP can best meet those needs
  • Number of engagements held with key stakeholders
  • Number of activities, ideas, best practices implemented as a result of engagement and collaboration
Key stakeholders report:
  • increased opportunities to provide feedback
Overall, I am satisfied with the RCMP's delivery of its programs and services: 55% (CLIPS) Key stakeholders report increased levels of satisfaction

Overall, I am satisfied with the RCMP's delivery of its programs and services: 55% (CLIPS)


  • RCMP are more accessible
RCMP personnel are responsive to my needs: 70% (CLIPS) Increased satisfaction with detachment/community relationships among partners

Overall, I am satisfied with the RCMP's delivery of its programs and services: 55% (CLIPS)

The RCMP has a motivated workforce: 60% (CLIPS)

  • being heard
My organization and the RCMP collaborate in the development of community plans, e.g. detachment/unit performance plan: 66% (CLIPS)
  • increased awareness of crime prevention strategies

The RCMP communicates effectively about its actions: 59% (CLIPS)

The RCMP provides its clients with useful information about its work: 68% (CLIPS)

Overall, I am satisfied with the information the RCMP provides to my community/province/ territory: 71% (CLIPS)

Increased number of policing priorities communicated

The RCMP provides appropriate consultation on decisions and actions that have an impact on my organization: 57% (CLIPS)

The RCMP provides its clients with useful information about its work: 68% (CLIPS)

Initial town hall-style meeting(to focus on soliciting input on community policing priorities/concerns) Number first meetings held Number of priorities identified through consultations/town halls To be established Increased levels of satisfaction reported among Albertans To be established
Number issues/concerns raised at 1st meeting Number of priorities actioned To be established
Second town hall-style meeting (to share the APP, which will be informed by input received at first town hall and results will be reported ongoing basis through Quarterly Community Reports)

Number of second (follow up) meetings held

Number attendees

Number follow up items shared at second meeting
To develop communications in a manner that improve community knowledge and understanding about matters related to local policing services Enhance timely communications with communities using existing and new tools (i.e., Mass Notification System (MNS), RCMP app, social media, etc.)

Number of times MNS is used

Number of downloads of RCMP app

Usage metrics (e.g., clicks, downloads)

Albertans report increased awareness about incidents and events in their communities RCMP information is timely: 54% (CLIPS) Albertans report increased levels of satisfaction and trust and confidence in the RCMP I have trust and confidence in the RCMP: 88% (CLIPS)
Pursue opportunities to proactively and creatively increase knowledge about Alberta RCMP programs and services that keep Albertans safe Number of proactive communications products (i.e., videos, interactive story telling) Albertans report increased awareness about Alberta RCMP programs and services The RCMP communicates effectively about its actions: 59% (CLIPS) Albertans report increased levels of satisfaction and trust and confidence in RCMP I have trust and confidence in the RCMP: 88% (CLIPS)
Enhance engagement and information-sharing with communities around service delivery, contract and financial issues Number of engagements and information-sharing Communities report increased levels of engagement, increased availability of information

RCMP personnel are responsive to my needs: 70% (CLIPS)

RCMP information is timely: 54% (CLIPS)

Communities report increased levels of satisfaction and trust and confidence in the RCMP

I have trust and confidence in the RCMP: 88% (CLIPS)

Overall, I am satisfied with the RCMP's delivery of its programs and services: 55% (CLIPS)

Continue to implement the roll-out of detachment-managed social media accounts

Number social media accounts created

Number social media content posted

Usage metrics (e.g., clicks, downloads)

Number of social media followers

Increased number of interactions with posts (e.g., likes, shares, comments)

4 detachments
  • Banff
  • Grande Prairie
  • Lloydminster
  • Wetaskiwin
Increased levels of satisfaction reported among partners, stakeholders, Albertans Overall, I am satisfied with the RCMP's delivery of its programs and services: 55% (CLIPS)
Stakeholders, partners, and Albertans report increased availability of information through social media channels The RCMP provides timely information through the web and social media, such as Twitter and Facebook: 48% (CLIPS) Stakeholders and partners are satisfied with dissemination I am satisfied with the information the RCMP provides my organization: 71 % (CLIPS)
Performance Measurement Framework - Community Safety and Well-Being
Objectives Activities Indicator - Output
Indicator - Short Term Outcome
Indicator - Short Term Outcome
Baseline (2021)
Indicator - Medium Term Outcome
Indicator - Medium Term Outcome
Baseline (2021)
Work in a multi-faceted, collaborative manner with partners to achieve common goals that support community safety, reduce vulnerabilities that contribute to victimization and that effectively use police resources within the entire safety ecosystem.

Collaborate with community partners to facilitate initiatives that improve or address vulnerable populations in Alberta and then share information about these initiatives for replication by other communities.

Examples of partners and initiatives:

  • Crime stoppers, Rural Crime Watch (RCW), and Citizens on Patrol (COP)
  • Wetaskiwin Group
  • Siksika or other First Nation/Métis community on victims/offenders or education.
  • Repeat Victimization: Brain Story Program

Community partnerships using RCMP intelligence and data to address shared concerns established.

Multi-agency initiatives in crime affected communities established.

Successful initiatives replicated in new communities.

Number of crime impacted community initiatives To be established

Reduced repeat victimization

To be established
Reduction of crime in vulnerable communities To be established
Stakeholders express confidence in the RCMP I have trust and confidence in the RCMP: 88% (CLIPS)
Number of community member/volunteers participating in shared initiatives To be established Increase in referrals to agencies within the safety ecosystem. To be established

Deliver programs related to community wellbeing, including:

  • Rural Police and Crisis Teams (RPACT)
  • Referral-based programs

Research and Deliver training to police on intervention/de-escalation techniques.

Participated in community wellbeing programs delivered through collaborative partnerships.

Implementation of training plan.

Number of people referred to services provided by partners, and/or community agencies within the safety ecosystem. To be established Reduction in number of intervention options used during mental health calls. To be established
Number of front-line members trained in intervention/de-escalation techniques. To be established
Provide timely and meaningful information to the public, which increases public engagement, trust and confidence with the RCMP

Develop and improve communication platforms, including:

  • Crime Mapping and RCMP app
  • Strong social media campaigns in specific areas for unfolding issues.
  • Improve call management communication, i.e. How to report ... Online Crime Reporting
  • Build Crime Prevention Toolkit stakeholders.

Communicated information on a variety of media platforms

Distributed Crime Prevention Toolkit

Number of site hits To be established Albertans express satisfaction with provided RCMP information. To be established
Number of media messages To be established
Increase in reporting using online reporting To be established Increased public engagement and participation through social media accounts. The RCMP provides timely information through the web and social media, such as Twitter and Facebook: 48% (CLIPS)
Number and results learned from use of crime prevention tools initiated. To be established
Performance Measurement Framework - Indigenous Communities
Objectives Activities Indicator - Output
Indicator - Short Term Outcome
Indicator - Short Term Outcome
Baseline (2021)
Indicator - Medium Term Outcome
Indicator - Medium Term Outcome
Baseline (2021)
To consult with Indigenous communities in order to effectively respond to the needs of Indigenous communities Work with community partners to ensure culturally sensitive supports are in place for victims, witnesses, offenders, police officers Increase Restorative Justice training and supports for employees and partners Number and type of Restorative Justice Practice (RJP) training opportunities available Staff are aware of RJP and when they should be used To be established Frequency of use of restorative justice practice by type of practice, offence To be established
Number of pre-charge referrals To be established
Increase partnerships with Indigenous communities/knowledge keepers Number of community partnerships developed Staff report soliciting cultural advice from community To be established Staff report implementing community advice and guidance in policing practice To be established
To strengthen positive relationships with Indigenous communities in Alberta Increase efforts focused on Indigenous Community Engagement Participate in Indigenous events such as Indigenous week celebrations, awards, community events, presentations and ceremonies Number of events attended Staff report increased awareness of Indigenous culture, practice, beliefs To be established Staff report improvements in workplace culture I think that my department or agency respects individual differences (e.g., culture, work styles, ideas, abilities): 67% (Alberta RCMP PSES)
Consult with First Nation Communities to create Annual Performance Plans (APP) that reflect mutual needs and goals Number of First Nation Communities reported on the APP platform 100% Community Tripartite Agreement (CTA) First Nations are engaged in the APP platform To be established Indigenous stakeholders express confidence in the RCMP To be established
Number of actions implemented To be established
Increase the representation of Indigenous people in Alberta RCMP Build upon the quarterly Commanding Officer's Indigenous Advisory Committee (COAIC) meetings to provide further guidance and support to issues that affect Indigenous people in Alberta Number of recommendations from the COIAC actioned Number of COIAC recommendations implemented To be established Staff report changes in policing practices based on COIAC recommendations To be established
Enhance the proactive recruitment of Indigenous people to join all ranks of RCMP Number of recruitment activities specifically targeting Indigenous people Number of Indigenous contacts during recruitment activities To be established Number of Indigenous recruits attending depot (training academy) To be established
Increase in the percentage of RCMP that self-identifies as First Nations, Métis, Inuit (annual) To be established
To work together with Indigenous communities in support of Reconciliation Enhance awareness and education opportunities to support Reconciliation

Cultural awareness training (specific to Treaty 6, 7, 8, the Métis and Inuit) hosted in various Indigenous communities

Continue implementing the Alberta RCMP's Reconciliation Strategy

Number and type of training opportunities hosted in Indigenous communities Staff report knowledge gains from training opportunities in Indigenous communities To be established Staff report changes in policing practices due to knowledge gained from training opportunities in Indigenous communities To be established
Number of staff participating by training opportunity
Regular reporting on the RCMP's Reconciliation Strategy and the four identified objectives
Performance Measurement Framework - Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)
Objectives Activities Indicator - Output
Indicator - Short Term Outcome
Indicator - Short Term Outcome
Baseline (2021)
Indicator - Medium Term Outcome
Indicator - Medium Term Outcome
Baseline (2021)

To listen to and understand the safety concerns of diverse communities to promote inclusion

To promote inclusion of diverse communities by addressing the behaviours that threaten their sense of safety and belonging

To build trust and strengthen positive relationships with diverse communities in Alberta

Enhance awareness of hate crimes/incidents and provide education on importance of reporting such incidents and what to do if you are involved as a victim or bystander

Number training courses/modules reviewed and updated

Number of education and training events

Number of staff participating in education and training

Staff report increased awareness of hate crimes/incidents To be established Staff report changes in policing practices based on education and training in hate crimes/incidents To be established
Introduce/profile Alberta RCMP's diverse employees and share their stories Number of profiles developed Increased awareness of Alberta's diverse populations To be established Increased understanding of Alberta's diverse populations

The RCMP is sensitive to the needs of different cultures and groups: 66% (CLIPS)

The RCMP treats members of visible minority communities fairly: 68% (CLIPS)

The RCMP treats members of the LGBTQ2S community fairly: 57% (CLIPS)

Internal EDI dashboard/newsletter developed EDI dashboard developed Number of newsletter items included by diversity topic To be established Increased staff satisfaction with workplace inclusion and culture

In my work unit, every individual is accepted as an equal member of the team: 66% (Alberta RCMP PSES)

My department or agency implements activities and practices that support a diverse workplace: 66% (Alberta RCMP PSES)

I think that my department or agency respects individual differences (e.g., culture, work styles, ideas, abilities): 67% (Alberta RCMP PSES)

Review and align Commander Officer's Diversity Advisory Committee (CODAC) findings with EDI initiatives

Number meetings with diversity committee

Increased number of CODAC advisors

Number of CODAC recommendations provided To be established Number of CODAC recommendations actioned To be established
Set-up Diversity Committees/Councils at detachments throughout Alberta and meet proactively with leaders of communities Diversity Engagement toolkit (how to set up a diversity council; how to engage with diverse peoples) Number of diverse community events attended by RCMP representatives To be established

Communities/Councils provide recommendations

Recommendations are implemented

The RCMP fulfils the commitments it has made: 59% (CLIPS)

RCMP personnel are responsive to my needs: 70% (CLIPS)

Overall, I am satisfied with the RCMP's delivery of its programs and services: 55% (CLIPS)

Number of Diversity Council meetings To be established
Work with community partners to ensure supports are in place for victims and witnesses who experience hate crimes Communications strategy developed (promoting awareness of hate crimes/incidents, the impact it has on communities and how to report incidents) Number of media releases, interviews, videos disseminated To be established Increased reporting of hate crimes/incidents To be established
Number of media articles/posts that promote awareness of hate
crimes/incidents, the impact it has on communities and how to report incidents
To be established
Performance Measurement Framework - Crime Reduction
Objectives Activities Indicator - Output
Indicator - Short Term Outcome
Indicator - Short Term Outcome
Baseline (2021)
Indicator - Medium Term Outcome
Indicator - Medium Term Outcome
Baseline (2021)
To increase community safety and reduce crime by focusing on priority offenders Integrated Offender Management Initiative (IOMI) expansion and adoption

Increase in the number of communities adopting IOMI

Increase in the number of offenders participating in IOMI

Number of agencies providing supports to offenders through IOMI To be established Rate of offender graduation from IOMI To be established
Reduction in number of negative contacts of IOMI participants To be established
Reduction in harm score of IOMI participants To be established Reduction in recidivism (3 to 5 years post graduation from IOMI) To be established
Led by analytics intelligence and community partner input, identify and address the drivers of crime and emerging crime trends. Expand Data 2 Action (D2A) initiative   Proportion of detachments with D2A implemented To be established In D2A communities, for prevalent crime types targeted (Reduction in crime reporting, increased clearance rates) To be established
Educate and engage with Frontline members to improve understanding and use of data and intelligence to initiative proactive initiatives ("Hot Spot" Patrols; Property/Persons Crime data; Gun violence Lock Up, CPTED)

Number and type of intelligence products shared

Participation in engagement/educational opportunities

Improved access to data and intelligence products To be established Frontline members report changes in policing practices because of improved understanding of data and intelligence To be established
Improved understanding of data and intelligence among Frontline members (annual) To be established Targeted crime reduced To be established
Use Crime Reduction Unit (CRU) Team for specific drivers/crime types Number and type of crime reduction initiatives     Targeted victimization reduced To be established
Be proactive in identifying and prioritizing crime to reduce unreported crimes that contribute to community safety concerns. Expand partnerships to address crime trends. Example: SARC

Number of multi-agency operations commenced

Number and type of joint crime reduction initiatives

Partner awareness of policing and crime prevention strategies To be established Partnership satisfaction with police collaboration To be established
Partner satisfaction with policing and crime prevention strategies To be established
Decrease in proportion of unreported crime by crime type (GSS survey) To be established
Deliver and develop the Community Engagement Unit as a support for the frontlines effort to address community safety concerns Number of consultations and presentations initiated by the Community Engagement Unit Number of collaborative crime prevention initiatives started as a result identified community safety concerns To be established Partner satisfaction with policing and crime prevention strategies

RCMP information is timely: 54% (CLIPS)

RCMP information and intelligence is of high quality: 67% (CLIPS)

Number of communities requesting consultation/ presentations by the Community Engagement Unit To be established
Performance Measurement Framework - Enhancing Service Delivery
Objectives Activities Indicator - Output
Indicator - Short Term Outcome
Indicator - Short Term Outcome
Baseline (2021)
Indicator - Medium Term Outcome
Indicator - Medium Term Outcome
Baseline (2021)
Increasing public trust and confidence in the police through the development and delivery of innovative and continuously improving policing services that are responsive to the concerns of our communities and the needs of individuals impacted by crime. Continued exploration of service delivery strategies to improve frontline ability to focus on community-level, ongoing and emerging policing concerns, such as visibility, response times, vacancy management, and coverage.

Establishment of Real Time Operations Centre (RTOC)

Research on models of organization that could improve frontline focus on community-level policing concerns, such as relief teams, hubbing, addition of frontline resources, and addition of specialized resources.

Research and collaborate with partners on alternate policing models and service delivery strategies that could improve frontline focus on community- level policing concerns.

Number and type of service delivery models explored To be established RTOC
Percentage of priority 1 calls for service with involvement/oversight from RTOC
To be established
Increase in operational communication with other police services, law enforcement partners, and Justice and Solicitor General regarding cross- jurisdictional and unfolding serious incidents. To be established
Increase in real-time tactical intelligence products supporting frontline operations. To be established
Research on service delivery strategies and implementation of selected evidence-based service delivery strategies To be established
Number and type of collaborations To be established Increase partner and stakeholder trust and confidence in the RCMP I have trust and confidence in the RCMP: 88% (CLIPS)
Implementation of alternate methods of responding to calls for service involving those in mental health crisis. Increase frontline access to training and tools to assist with assessment and de- escalation during calls for service involving those in mental health crisis.

Continued establishment of Rural Police and Crisis Teams (RPACTs)

Implementation of Health IM Application

Number of occurrences where RPACT provided assistance To be established Estimated time savings from decrease in health transports to designated facilities (Calculated estimate per health transport) To be established
Number of mental health transports to designated facilities To be established Increased successful use of de- escalation techniques To be established
Staff access of Health IM Application To be established Staff perceptions of Health IM Application To be established
Trauma-informed, victim-centered investigation training, advice, guidance and investigational review for frontline members

Continue establishment of the Sexual Assault Review Team (SART)

Number of Sexual Assault Investigations Review Committee (SAIRC) meetings

Number of files reviewed by SART

Percentage of employees who have completed required courses in trauma-informed investigations To be established Staff perceptions of trauma- informed approaches To be established
Percentage decrease of sexual assault files incorrectly scored as unfounded To be established
Number of interviews completed at Child Advocacy Centres To be established Percentage of pre-charge approval for sexual assault cases
– by detachment
To be established
Percentage of sexual assault
files scored as cleared by charge
To be established Number and type of SAIRC recommendations implemented To be established
Cybercrime Unit and Division Cybercrime working group – provide expertise, advice and guidance in the investigation of cybercrime

Establishment of Cybercrime Unit, Cybercrime working group

Training and supports available to inform cybercrime investigation

Number of cybercrime investigations RCMP effectively responding to cybercrime threats: 32% (CLIPS) Staff perceptions of cybercrime investigation training and support To be established
Percentage of pre-charge approval for cybercrime To be established
Percentage of employees who have completed required training in cybercrime investigations To be established Clearance rate To be established
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