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Nothing is Private Online

Audience: 13-16 Year Olds

Be socially responsible

If you see something you don’t agree with, like cyberbullying, harassment or threats, tell a trusted adult to get advice.

  • If it’s private, keep it private
  • Treat online life like regular life.
  • It’s your identity - ask yourself: would you share this much info offline too?
    • PICTURES - Who needs them?
    • VIDEOS - Who’s watching?
    • COMMENTS -Who’s reading?
    • STATUS - Do people really care?
  • Speak up and do the right thing. If you see something you don’t agree with, like cyberbullying, harassment or threats, tell a trusted adult to get advice or help.

What is cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying involves the use of communication technologies like the Internet, social networking sites, websites, email, text messaging and instant messaging to repeatedly intimidate or harass others.

Think about the negative and positive impacts of Internet use:

We can learn and grow by using the Internet to understand the world, explore interests, and research information. The social part of the Internet allows youth to form online identities, changing how youth can be viewed and contacted.

  • Social Responsibility. Do I behave online as I do face-to-face?
  • Educational Uses. Am I using the Internet to better my education?
  • Forms of Communication. Do I communicate appropriately online?
  • Consequences and Crime. Do I understand that my actions online can have offline consequences?
  • Building Awareness. Do I use social media and the Internet to raise awareness around issues youth care about?

Understand laws around child pornography and luring

The use of the Internet to attract or persuade anyone under the age of 18 to meet for sexual acts or to help arrange such a meeting is a crime under the Criminal Code of Canada. There can also be serious consequences if you are in possession of sexually explicit images of someone under the age of 18.

The following Criminal Code Offenses affect youth, should they use the Internet in a negative way:

  • Child Pornography
  • Criminal Harassment
  • Luring a Child
  • Uttering Threats

Stay safe online

  • Privacy. Check and adjust privacy settings regularly to limit who can see and post on your profile(s).
  • Think Before You Post. Keep personal information private. Names, birth dates, ages, phone numbers, home addresses, birth places, maiden names, social insurance numbers, school names and sports teams can complete a puzzle of personal information when posted and shared online.
  • Savvy Shopping. Online shopping is fast and fun, but be careful about providing personal banking information. When using online services like PayPal, eBay and Craigslist, double check the web address to ensure you haven’t been directed to a phishing scam (a way of trying to get sensitive information by disguising as a trustworthy source). Check for security features such as a security lock near the bottom of the web page and https:// in the URL. If you’re meeting with someone in person through one of these sites to purchase or sell an item, let an adult know so you can discuss safety issues, or have them accompany you.
  • No ID Required? Online gambling sites like e-casinos, card games, live bets and poker are popular among teens. These sites require you to be 18 or 19 years of age to play. Youth aged 13 to 19 can be held criminally responsible for activities related to online gambling. Online gambling can also lead to a potential gambling problem and a number of issues you may not have considered, like addiction, potential debt for you and your family, and fraud.

For more info or to get help, visit: |

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Or contact your local police department

Produced by:
B.C. Crime Prevention Services