National Public Complaint Unit (NPCU)

Executive summary

This report contains a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) for the RCMP National Public Complaint Unit (NPCU). The National Public Complaint Database (NPCD) will be implemented for the purpose of tracking and analyzing information gathered from the public on matters related to public complaints at the National level as defined under Part VII of the RCMP Act, (Appendix A.) Personal information collected will include such info as complainant's names, members involved and allegations made against the RCMP. The allegations are noted on RCMP form 4110, (Appendix B.) This will allow the Unit to manage data gathered from public complaints with respect to sixteen categories of allegations as defined under Part VII of the RCMP Act.

The proposed Database system will use the Search Quarry Language (SQL system), a data system widely used within the RCMP. The system will enable the NPCU to track more efficiently the numerous complaints that we receive daily. The search features will allow the Unit the ability to analyze and prepare reports on statistics related to the use of Conducted Energy Weapons, (CEW), firearms, neglect of duty, and issues related to public complaints. By using the SQL system, we can enter very specific information such as: complainant's surname, given names, the type of public complaint being investigated, members involved and more importantly retrieve the information for tracking, statistics and annual reports.

The SQL system will facilitate and assist our limited human resources as we will save time when preparing our annual report. This system will also facilitate and improve our working relationship with our partners at the Commission for Public Complaints Against The RCMP (CPC) as we will be able to exchange statistics on the number of complaints received from each Division. We will be more pro-active and accountable to the clients and Canadian public.

Under Section 45.41(1) of the RCMP Act, a complainant may refer his/her complaint for review to the CPC. The RCMP willl furnish the CPC with the results of public complaint investigations and such other materials under the control of the RCMP as are relevant to public complaints as per Section 45.41(2) (b) of the RCMP Act.

In addition, a protocol is in place between the RCMP and the CPC dictating the parameters regarding the sharing and disclosing of information on public complaints, (Appendix J).

The new database will not bring any new changes to the procedures already in place in sharing and disclosing of public complaint information.

Access to the database information is only granted to the employees at the National HQ Public Complaint Unit. Third parties will not have access to the said information.

This new and improved database system will enable the NPCU to provide quality data in an efficient and timely matter in preparing accurate reports on Public Complaints Against the RCMP.

In accordance with the RCMP PIA Policy, a PIA Summary will be posted on the RCMP National Website. Furthermore, when advised of the Annual Info Source Revision, the Personal Information Bank (PIB) CMP PPU 085 (Appendix F p.3) will be amended to mention the Public Complaint Database as an operating system.

There will be no data matching with the new database system.

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