It’s back to school and RCMP remind guardians/parents of safety tips!

September 5, 2019
Prince, Queens and Kings Counties, Prince Edward Island

News release



With classes resuming today RCMP on P.E.I. remind guardians and parents of their responsibilities:

  • For those walking to school, kudos to the kids for walking! BUT, show your child a safe route to take. Make sure they know the rules of the road and how to SAFELY use a crosswalk and obey traffic control devices and crossing guards
  • Shortcuts can cut down time but if it isn't safe, tell the children not to use it. Shortcuts through parking lots and/or jaywalking is dangerous
  • If your child is waiting for a bus, make sure they understand any hazards in the area. Show them a safe place where they can wait
  • Make sure they know that they shouldn't run after a school busy to catch it. Motorists and the bus driver may not see them and they may put themselves in danger in the panic
  • Help children understand that sometimes drivers don't see them. Teach them to make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street to be sure that they are being seen
  • Don't always assume you have the right away and use caution when walking
  • If you are waiting to pick up children off of the bus, don't wait in a spot that causes the children to cross the road – they may be too excited to see you and dash into the roadway

Common sense and learning good habits will help to keep everyone safe.

Over the next few days and weeks, take the time to go over safety tips that are important for your children and be a good example to help them learn.


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