Law Enforcement Investigators Course: Level I


The Law Enforcement Investigator Course (Level I) is a five day course which focuses on the basic concepts of law enforcement investigation. The course exposes candidates to the RCMP’s Community Policing problem solving model, communication skills, note taking, interviewing techniques, witness and warned/cautioned statements, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, exhibit seizure and handling, court demeanor and court process. Candidates are provided with some fundamental building blocks of the investigative process. The course is held at any suitable venue that can provide a large classroom, two or more syndicate rooms, with access to open Internet and printers for research and presentation. The course is ideally suited for 24 candidates separated into groups of six (6) for syndicate teams. Experienced investigators (facilitators) coach candidates in each of the four syndicate groups during the course. Course candidates must be members of federal law enforcement agencies from across Canada.


The Law Enforcement Investigator Course (Level I) is designed to develop the candidate’s understanding, knowledge and skills in the basic concepts of investigation and court process. The candidate will then be better equipped to conduct investigations within their various fields of enforcement.

At the end of this course, candidates will be able to:

  1. apply the RCMP’s Community Policing problem solving model, CAPRA;
  2. explain the Judicial process;
  3. use verbal and non-verbal communication skills;
  4. apply the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;
  5. record information using a standard notebook;
  6. explain the difference between inspection vs investigation;
  7. explain pertinent Criminal Code offence(s);
  8. correctly collect, handle, label and store evidence;
  9. take witness and cautioned statements;
  10. apply interviewing techniques;
  11. identify the importance of ethics and professional standards;
  12. prepare a court brief;
  13. demonstrate proper courtroom demeanor when giving testimony.


  • Federal government employees involved in the investigation and enforcement of regulatory statutes.


  • English or French
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